Re: 제목 제목 bags > 자유게시판

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자유 Re: 제목 제목 bags

페이지 정보

작성자 답변이름으로 검색
댓글 0건 조회 386회 작성일 24-05-05 11:31


Normally, when I go out, I always carry a replica handbags , to put the odds and ends with nowhere to put them, and to comfort my hands that have nowhere to put them.

One day, go out. I went to the restroom on the way and my friends helped me carry my bags After coming out, she asked: What on earth do you have in your bag? It's too heavy.

What is installed? Nothing more than bits and pieces. Anything I can think of can probably be found in my bag.I remember one time when I exchanged a large bag for a small bag, opened the zipper, and with a loud bang, a lot of things were poured out of the big bag. Wallets, keys, tissues, lipstick, umbrellas, silk scarves, lighters, hand sanitizer, and travel packages of skin care products...etc., plus notepads and pens, they are stuffed to the brim, and sometimes even the laptop Stuff it inside.

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